Hello there!   Okay.  I have said this many times.  I am not complaining as I really do enjoy this job but with the number of participants and basically one person (me) dealing with the 2000+ participants, communication gets really difficult.  Especially when you add emails, text messages, phone calls, drop in visits, voice mail, website, social media.  It is a lot.  

So!  The plan is to try to get everyone to this site for questions as much as possible.  To make this happen, I am going to start to merge all information and all communication (as much as possible) to this site.  No, that doesn't mean I won't answer your emails, texts, phone calls..etc.  It just means I hope this will give me more time to do the work that is required and to try to keep all the questions in one place.

Another thing is that we have information on multiple sites and sometimes it isn't consistent and that gets confusing so one place to find all information will save time and make it more likely to be consistent.

Make Sense?  

There may be a small learning curve for everyone, including me, but I think overall it will be easy and I will be sending out emails to help you navigate all this navigation.

Thank you!
