Rainout decisions are difficult and usually require an educated guess based on the amount of rain we have received over the last few days, the temperature, the amount of wind and the amount of sun. If it is the first rain in days and we have sun, wind and it is hot, this is the ideal condition to get a field ready after a good rain. If we have had a lot of rain over the last few days and we aren't getting a lot of wind, sun or warmth, it will be more difficult to get a field ready.
Another factor is the weather forecast. We will not make a decision based on the forecast more than 12 hours prior to the game time. As it gets closer to the game time, we will use the radar to assist in making our decision. (Please note, this page is discussing rainouts only and not severe weather)
And yet, another factor is the field. Each field has its specific ability to handle rain so sometimes we can get some fields ready but other fields may be too wet for us to take the risk to play.
The goal is to make a decision by 3:00 pm and post on the website and a message on Voice Mail as to the final decision if we will play or not.
One of the most difficult decisions is when there is rain expected after 3:00pm and although we understand the radar can change very quickly we will use the radar and the weather prediction to assist us in making this decision. However, we will continue to assume we will play until the weather determines otherwise. It is the nature of the sports of baseball and softball to sometimes arrive or start a game in light rain but the field gets too wet during the game and will need to be canceled.