Technically, we don't have a hard and fast deadline date, however, since our team practices (for most leagues) will begin the first week of April, we would like to have teams assigned and practice scheduled at least a week before practices begin.
It is important that the teams are (at least mostly) filled by the coaches meetings so we can confirm the rosters are accurate and balanced. Again, the coaches meetings will be around the end of March depending on the league.
So, the "soft" deadline that we would ideally like to have most athletes registered is March 15th. It is possible to be added to a roster if you register after the 15th but each day after it becomes less and less likely.
However, we will be adding players to the rosters even after the coaches meetings so the next deadline will be by the first practice that we will estimate will begin for teams the first week of April.
As league numbers begin to fill, you may be added to the waiting list. Again, the earlier you register, even if you go on the waiting list, the better chances you have to be placed. We will pull players off the waiting list by a first-come first-served method. We can't stress enough that we still try to do everything we can to pull all players from the waiting list.
More about the waiting list.
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